andy wainwright
2015-02-07 03:43:05 UTC
The Jungle Book and Scouting
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help
improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced
material may be challenged and removed. (December 2014)
The Scouting program has used themes from The Jungle Book by Rudyard
Kipling since 1916.
In 1914 Robert Baden-Powell announced a Junior Section for Scouting. In
1916, he published his own outlines for such a scheme, to be called Wolf
Cubbing. Baden-Powell may have had a number of reasons to call this
section Wolf Cubs: "Wolf" was one of the ranks some Native American
tribes gave to their best scouts;[citation needed] Wolf was the name of
the cannon made in the railway workshops at Mafeking. By analogy, a
young boy not old enough to be a wolf or true Scout could be a baby wolf
or Wolf Cub.
Baden-Powell asked his friend Rudyard Kipling for the use of his Jungle
Book history and universe as a motivational frame in cub scouting.
Baden-Powell wrote a new book, The Wolf Cub's Handbook, for junior
members. In 1917, junior members became known as Wolf Cubs.
In the 1960s and later, the Wolf Cub section departed in many
organizations from the jungle theme. Some changed their name to Cub
Scout or something similar but retained the Jungle Stories and Cub
ceremony as tradition—such as the use of Jungle Books names (as
described below); and the Grand Howl which signals the start and end of
the Cub Scout Meetings. Other organizations kept the name but changed
the theme totally.
In Cub Scout packs, Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and
leadership. Akela is anyone who acts as a leader to the Scout. Akela can
be a Cubmaster, Den Leader, parent or teacher depending on where the
guidance takes place. In den meetings, it is the Den Leader who is
Akela. During pack meetings it is the Cubmaster. At home, the parents
fill this role.[1] Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting
movement, chose Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book as a source of
symbolism and allegorical framework for the youngest members of the
Scouting movement.[2] Many references are made to this story in the Cub
Scout section, including the "Council Rock" for discussions and
planning, and the "Grand Howl" to express a sense of belonging and team
Many Cub Scout packs use an oath called the "Law of the Pack" to show
allegiance and demonstrate their relationship to Akela and the pack:
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.[1]
In the United Kingdom, where nearly all of the links with the The Jungle
Book have been taken out of the Cub Scout programme, the names of Jungle
Book characters are still used for Cub Scout Leaders. Akela is still
reserved for a leader of a Cub Scout, but is not universally in use
(i.e., other character names can be held by the leader, usually to avoid
confusion when there is a change of leadership).
Rudyard Kipling obtained the name "Akela" from Hindi, meaning "alone."
Send "A Bachelor For Bade…" Ringtone to your Mobile
A Bachelor For Baden Powell Video:
Lyrics to A Bachelor For Baden Powell Join the cubs
See the world
Pay your subs
Meet the girls
Sell your toys
Be reborn
They love a boy in uniform
37 wasted years
Closeting his greatest fears
Still in shorts and eating jelly
He used to come and fix our telly
Akela, Akela
I will do my best
Akela, you'll have heart failure
Get your hands out of my vest
The oldest joker in the pack
Knew how to fold a union jack
Bought me chocolate, cakes and sweets
All the Cadbury's Flakes that I could eat
Akela, Akela
I will do my best
Akela, you'll have heart failure
Get your hands out of my vest
You're a bachelor for Baden Powell
And you don't know where I've been
Take your spatula and your bathing towel
And go swear your allegance to the queen
You'll get no badge for touching me
Bad health or inefficiency
Hallitosis, poison breath
Or scaring little lonely boys to death
Akela, Akela I wil do my best
Akela, Akela
You've got to get me off your chest
Akela, Akela
I think that it's time to go
Hayla Shayla, see ya later
I'm only nine years old and the answer's NO!
You're a bachelor for Baden Powell
And you don't know where I've been
So take your spatula and your bathing towel
And go swear your allegance to the queen
[ These are A Bachelor For Baden Powell Lyrics on ]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help
improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced
material may be challenged and removed. (December 2014)
The Scouting program has used themes from The Jungle Book by Rudyard
Kipling since 1916.
In 1914 Robert Baden-Powell announced a Junior Section for Scouting. In
1916, he published his own outlines for such a scheme, to be called Wolf
Cubbing. Baden-Powell may have had a number of reasons to call this
section Wolf Cubs: "Wolf" was one of the ranks some Native American
tribes gave to their best scouts;[citation needed] Wolf was the name of
the cannon made in the railway workshops at Mafeking. By analogy, a
young boy not old enough to be a wolf or true Scout could be a baby wolf
or Wolf Cub.
Baden-Powell asked his friend Rudyard Kipling for the use of his Jungle
Book history and universe as a motivational frame in cub scouting.
Baden-Powell wrote a new book, The Wolf Cub's Handbook, for junior
members. In 1917, junior members became known as Wolf Cubs.
In the 1960s and later, the Wolf Cub section departed in many
organizations from the jungle theme. Some changed their name to Cub
Scout or something similar but retained the Jungle Stories and Cub
ceremony as tradition—such as the use of Jungle Books names (as
described below); and the Grand Howl which signals the start and end of
the Cub Scout Meetings. Other organizations kept the name but changed
the theme totally.
In Cub Scout packs, Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and
leadership. Akela is anyone who acts as a leader to the Scout. Akela can
be a Cubmaster, Den Leader, parent or teacher depending on where the
guidance takes place. In den meetings, it is the Den Leader who is
Akela. During pack meetings it is the Cubmaster. At home, the parents
fill this role.[1] Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting
movement, chose Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book as a source of
symbolism and allegorical framework for the youngest members of the
Scouting movement.[2] Many references are made to this story in the Cub
Scout section, including the "Council Rock" for discussions and
planning, and the "Grand Howl" to express a sense of belonging and team
Many Cub Scout packs use an oath called the "Law of the Pack" to show
allegiance and demonstrate their relationship to Akela and the pack:
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.[1]
In the United Kingdom, where nearly all of the links with the The Jungle
Book have been taken out of the Cub Scout programme, the names of Jungle
Book characters are still used for Cub Scout Leaders. Akela is still
reserved for a leader of a Cub Scout, but is not universally in use
(i.e., other character names can be held by the leader, usually to avoid
confusion when there is a change of leadership).
Rudyard Kipling obtained the name "Akela" from Hindi, meaning "alone."
Send "A Bachelor For Bade…" Ringtone to your Mobile
A Bachelor For Baden Powell Video:
Lyrics to A Bachelor For Baden Powell Join the cubs
See the world
Pay your subs
Meet the girls
Sell your toys
Be reborn
They love a boy in uniform
37 wasted years
Closeting his greatest fears
Still in shorts and eating jelly
He used to come and fix our telly
Akela, Akela
I will do my best
Akela, you'll have heart failure
Get your hands out of my vest
The oldest joker in the pack
Knew how to fold a union jack
Bought me chocolate, cakes and sweets
All the Cadbury's Flakes that I could eat
Akela, Akela
I will do my best
Akela, you'll have heart failure
Get your hands out of my vest
You're a bachelor for Baden Powell
And you don't know where I've been
Take your spatula and your bathing towel
And go swear your allegance to the queen
You'll get no badge for touching me
Bad health or inefficiency
Hallitosis, poison breath
Or scaring little lonely boys to death
Akela, Akela I wil do my best
Akela, Akela
You've got to get me off your chest
Akela, Akela
I think that it's time to go
Hayla Shayla, see ya later
I'm only nine years old and the answer's NO!
You're a bachelor for Baden Powell
And you don't know where I've been
So take your spatula and your bathing towel
And go swear your allegance to the queen
[ These are A Bachelor For Baden Powell Lyrics on ]